How to fill in the CB test certificate

1 English ( typing ) fill in the CB test certificate.
The 2 China Certification Committee for electrotechnical products English name should fill in the application form the upper right in the four small black spots.
3. Date of application must fill in clearly.
4. If the applicant and the factory is the same unit are in the column to fill the same name and address.
The 5 used in the appliance has been CB test certificate element column, if any, shall be filled with the element name and the cB certificate no..
6 signed by legal representative, the legal representative 's name in pinyin typing mock played, at the same time the legal representative personally signed. File 1 is application and marked with Chinese translation. File 1: marked with the Chinese translation of the application SCHEMEOFTHE ICEE FOR RECOGNITION: OF RESULTs OFTESTING TOSTANDARDS FOD SAFETY OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ( CB SCHEME ). International Electrotechnical Commission electrical product safety certification organization on electrical products according to the safety standard test results recognition system ( CB system ) Our reference applicants to its application number application date Appllcation for a CB Date Test Certificate CB Wehereby apply for test certificate a CB Test Certi ficate accordin g to Procedure ll and GL ve you the followin g deltailed information I Name and address of Applicant ( i.e, Man ufacturer ) according to our program and apply for a CB test certificate and provide the following details: the applicant (the name and address of the factory ). Manufacturr telelphOne number ExtelnsiOn Teiegraphic address Factory telephone extension cable address Telex No. And answerback cede telex number and return code Name of L ) erson dealing with the applicatiOn NaMe and addrelss of factory name of or factories, where the EQ UI pment is produced products in a factory or the name and address of the factory. The CB Test Certificate is to cover the following kind of equipment ( such as cable, rcwlrable or nollrewirable plug, switch, washing tnachine, etc ) CB test certificate includes the following types of products ( such as cable, reconnection or can not be connected with the plug, switch, washing machine etc.) this column fill in the CB test certificate product name Trade Mar K or trade marks of the EQ UI pmeln t Description of equipment: In products are trademarks of geneal : type designation, catalogue number, etc. For cords and cables: cod0, design ation s according to the rdrvan t standard an d n umber of cores and Cr SS secti Onddl ateas < ). CTC For othc r EQ uipmen T: the in formatiQn specified in the relevant Stan Description: generally includes the models, specifications, for wire and cable includes a corresponding standard model, core line number and section area. For other products should include the corresponding standards information.
Refetenes to aII CB Test Cettificates which have been issued for cOmpOnents used the appliance, such as fuses, switches, appliance couples, flexible supply cotds and cables, plugs, etc. In case of retes-ing: Referenes to previous application. The machine used in the following components such as: fuses, switches, Appliance couplers, power line and cables, plugs, such as has been CB test certificate may be provided as a reference, for complex side, reference to previous application.
Other information Of value to the NCbs ( such as catalogues, price lists, advertising materia1, infotma-tory pamphlets, lists of compOnents or spare parts, instructlons fOr maintelnance and repair pho-tographs, drawings, circuit diagrams ) is enclosed ( preferably ln quadruplicate ) adn is listed below NCB: provide other valuable information (product catalog, price list, promotional materials, brochures, components or list of spare parts, repair guide, photos, drawings, circuit diagrams ) as the application accessory ( four copies) We are aware Of the fact that when Procedure LIS applied the present application may be cancelled bythe First Testing Station, if we have not handed in sufficient test samples to the two Testing Stationsbefore 6 months after receipt of the requests of the Testing Stations. ( Note: according to the new rules and procedures, procedures 1 cancelled) we declare that we Will follow the CB scheme. We declare that we will follow the rules for CB system.
| Updated:2011.12.19    Source:    Clicks:


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