The enterprise pays close attention to a few problems of ROHS certification

Question 1: about testing organizations test report timeliness questions?
Answer: on the test report validity problems, our point is this: we do the test report is based on the analysis of the product itself, as long as your product material, production process and flow, constant, test report of course can be an effective long-term. So the report itself is not valid, but the period of validity is from where come? Is usually established by the customer, such as the international well-known enterprises in the procurement of products, it will require you to report must be a year or half a year, is effective, or some Korean company for three months, their purpose in doing so is why? Is to continually monitor supplier product stability, it depends on the requirements of buyers. But once your product has changed, such as production process change, production process change, or that your change of supplier, asks you to detection, these are the enterprise protect their practice, but I personally think that with RoHS will be more mature, more and more enterprises are able to meet this requirement time, built on the foundation of trust, this test frequency can be reduced, which is required for long-term cooperation and trust.
2 how to RoHS attestation product separation, classification?
Answer: according to the RoHS instructions, how the machine products for scientific and reasonable resolution of classification, allowing the detection of costs to a minimum is also a university asked, usually divided into metal material, plastics and other materials, metal materials only need to make the detection of heavy metals ( lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, six ) plastic material need to do in terms of six ( lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, six polybrominated biphenyls polybrominated diphenyl ether, two ), of other materials to do heavy metal test.
3 products without RoHS attestation what harm?
Answer: products without RoHS certification, will give producers caused incalculable damage, then no one shows any interest in your products, loss of market, if your product is lucky to enter other markets, once identified, will face heavy fines and even punishment, thus, is likely to lead to the whole enterprise closure.
4 now, everyone on the" on waste electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive" ( WEEE ) the main understanding is the manufacturers to pay more than a recycling fee. As a Chinese company, in addition to pay, also can have what more active measures to cope with?
Answer: according to WEEE requirements, manufacturers have to pay recycling fees. However, this cost is not fixed, it and the recycling process in the actual cost. Therefore, our products, from design aspect, it is necessary to consider the cost of reducing recovery. For example, the original use a large amount of binder, now want to reduce the use of, in order to reduce the consumption of artificial when disassembled. Parts as far as possible the use of standardized products, product as far as possible the use of modular production processes, improve products as much as possible in the reuse ratio. In this way, we can put the recycling costs to a minimum. In addition to pay recycling fees, WEEE also on product recovery and reuse, recycling rates are required, these, ask the enterprise from the design, assembly process began to adjust, fully adapted to the requirements of WEEE. Components manufacturers face reshuffle.
5" in electrical and electronic equipment on the prohibition of the use of certain Hazardous Substances Directive" ( RoHS ) to China Electrical and electronic products manufacturers have He effect?
Answer: RoHS banned the use of the six kinds of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic industry is widely used. It 's influences on China's enterprises is divided into two parts, one is for the export enterprise, two of the export enterprises in the upstream supply chain effect. For the export enterprises, if only a temporary deal with it, that is very simple, the procurement standards adjusted on the line. However, considering the environmental protection is a long-term trend, a responsible machine manufacturing enterprises should understand the international trend of environmental protection, the establishment and implementation of management system of chemical substances, and continuous improvement, in order to adapt to the changing market demand. Now, many large companies, like IMB, DELL, Sony and other companies have established such a system. Considering the future there may be other countries to establish more stringent" green barrier", the company requirements in general than the EU requirements higher. There are some domestic large home appliance and electronics companies to actively follow up, such as Galanz, from 2003 started the" green procurement", set up a special department, research regulations, training and assessment of the supplier. China 's enterprises should according to their own situation, for the establishment of the respective situation system.
6 how to make your products save RoHS certification testing costs?
Answer: the most important is selected in accordance with the requirements of the RoHS directive parts and raw materials, the use of advanced production process, such as the procurement has been RoHS certification components, raw materials, to replace the traditional welding reflow soldering, lead-free solder solder to replace the traditional, as long as the machine used in line with the RoHS Directive requires parts, your a machine to do the RoHS certification will save time and money, convenient and quick. In addition, the certified product effectively split, can also save some costs.
7 six banned substances have no proven alternatives, if not, how should the enterprise do?
Answer: theory, these substances are able to find a substitute. But some substitute cost is too high, some temporary is not fully mature alternatives. Therefore, RoHS has an exemption clause, provided the conditions under which the harmful substances, which can continue to use.
8 would you please introduce the exemption clause, Chinese enterprises should be how to use these terms?
Answer: the so-called" exemption" ( the specific terms of data two) refers to the entire industry, according to the current technology and technical level, in the part of the product also cannot substitute material, the instruction will allow them to exist for the time being in some of the products. But the enterprise must pay attention to two problems:
First, immunity is not self-executing, enterprises must be in accordance with the procedure to the European Union Technical Committee ( TAC ) apply for exemption.
In second, this exemption is solicited some giant comments made, itself represents a high technical standard, but also with the development of technology, update, cancel some content of immunity. So," exemption" to provide living space and time is quite limited. Now, a number of leading technology in the large foreign companies are engaged in active alternatives study, once the breakthrough, correlation immunity clauses may cancel, will make Chinese enterprises are facing a very passive situation. Chinese enterprise wants to gain competitive initiative, must actively to improve production technology, to a higher technological content to participate in international competition. Chinese enterprise must adjust the concept of environmental protection
9 EU" e-waste disposal law" calls for European nations to separate legislation, and their effect. Now the legislation situation how, the two instruction without delay the implementation possibility?
Answer: at present, Austria has completed relevant legislation, but some countries, such as England, Germany, declared a need to postpone, the reason is each country legislation procedures required time is different, but not on the legislation itself has the objection. So, the time will not delay too long. To this, Chinese enterprises do not have too much fantasy. In addition, the two instruction is not only regarded as the EU rules, because the EU's relevant environmental protection regulations and standards often globally by more countries cited. The United States, Japan and other nations has draw lessons from European Union of these two environmental protection law, considering the introduction of their environmental regulations.
10: do you think China enterprise 's environmental philosophy does need to adjust?
A: the Chinese enterprise must see, can not meet the two instruction as a one-off work. In the case of the RoHS, it is an open law, along with the development of technology, exemption clauses can decrease ceaselessly. Therefore, Chinese enterprises must pay attention to the field of environmental protection new technology development. Otherwise, green barriers will become the China after joining WTO the biggest non-tariff barriers.
11 what is the RoHS instruction?
Answer: the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union in 2003 January through the RoHS directive, the name is The RestrICTIon of the use of certain Hazardous substances in Electnical and Electronic Equipment, in electrical and electronic equipment the use of certain hazardous substance, also known as 2002 / 95 / EC instructions, on 2005 European Union to 2005 / 618 / EC resolution on 2002 / 95 / EC were added, clearly defined six kinds of harmful substances in the maximum limit.
12 why the EU to promulgate the RoHS instruction?
Answer: one is to set up technical barriers, improve access threshold, the two is to strengthen environmental protection, ensure can develop continuously.
13 global RoHS instruction react?
Answer: can say, world each country especially developed country, to the RoHS directive issued strong repercussions, attention, some call it the green environmental protection instruction, some claiming technical barrier instruction, also called affects the global manufacturing neural command. Meanwhile, the United States, Japan, Korea, Thailand also have introduced similar instruction. China is the world manufacturing industry big country, but also exports big country, export the 70% above of gross relates to the RoHS instruction, the Chinese government also attaches great importance to related problems, and in 2004 promulgated the" electronic information products management of pollution control measures", content is similar to RoHS instruction, and prepared and implemented. At the same time, through television, newspapers, seminars and other forms to the general enterprise promotion, to remind the majority of production business will seriously highly, active coping.
14 RoHS certification which covers the product?
Answer: RoHS instruction involves a wide range of products, covering almost all of the electronic, electrical appliances, medical, communications, toys, information security products, which includes not only the machine products, but also includes the production of machine by use of the spare parts, raw materials and packaging, in relation to the whole production chain.
15 how to begin RoHS attestation?
Answer: many large enterprises RoHS certification has been studied earlier, had prepared, and many products have been certified by RoHS, but there are still a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises in the RoHS certification is still very unfamiliar, have a superficial knowledge of, have a blurred vision, not clear, do not know where to start, do not know who to certification. In fact, RoHS certification is not so mysterious, people familiar with the CE, FCC, such as certification similar, as long as have the corresponding qualifications and ability of third party notarization laboratory can provide similar services, but is your related products to the professional laboratory for testing, analysis, including lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium six, polybrominated biphenyls ( PBB ), polybrominated diphenyl ether ( two PBDE ) and other six kinds of harmful substances is in line with the RoHS directive requirements, but with the available RoHS qualified report and certificate, if you do not meet, will have to find another to meet the requirements of product substitution.
16 identify the product is qualified what is law?
Answer: to determine if the product is qualified is the main basis for the European Commission has promulgated ( 2002 / 95 / EC ) instruction and a 2005 / 618 / EC resolution.
17 of electrical and electronic equipment in six 2005 / 618 / EC resolution. Harmful substances in the limit is a number?
Answer: lead ( Pb ), mercury ( Hg ), six ( Cr6 + ), hexavalent chromium polybrominated biphenyls ( PBB ), polybrominated diphenyl ether ( PBDE two ) maximum allowable content of 0.1% ( 1000ppm ), cadmium ( CD ) 0.01% ( 100ppm ), the limit is to develop products for compliance with the RoHS directive legal basis.
18 RoHS authentication when to do the most appropriate?
Answer: RoHS directive mandatory implementation time from today until 2006 of July 1st, only the remaining 3 more time, therefore, it should be said the sooner, the sooner the initiative, later the more passive, in fact a lot of acumen high large company, already began this work, one is clear provisions of parts procurement, raw material must be certified by the RoHS products, two is to own the product RoHS certification, at the same time, domestic most buyers to manufacturers to put forward to make clear a requirement, where there is no certification through the RoHS products are not signed orders. Therefore, if your product is not early certification, will lose the market, no regret. Due to the fact that the EU RoHS directive effect, Guangdong electrical products is only eight, nine two month fell by 80%, see the" Nanfang Dushi Bao" October 14, 2005 C02 edition, the title is" Guangdong Electrical and export slump".
19 face the pressure of RoHS, machine manufacturers can easily put pressure onto the supplier, then China's electronic components and accessories business should be how to face this kind of situation?
Answer: parts enterprises and related enterprises will be greater pressure. These components and spare parts production enterprises if not timely follow-up RoHS harmless requirements, would most likely be in the export business of supplier of a new round of screening, cleaning out. As a well-known enterprises at home about 1000 suppliers, of which half unqualified. Sony executive a two instruction of higher corporate procurement standards, results, it 's more than 4000 suppliers in China has more than 3000 unqualified.
In the present stage, parts suppliers must do at least two things, one is linked to their suppliers, ensure their purchases of raw materials in line with EU requirements; two is to review your process, to ensure that their products meet the EU requirements. The manufacturers must begin as soon as possible, because it must consume the corresponding time, these banned substances substitute technology have a higher cost and technical requirements, not immediately change the good. Enterprises can apply for exemption
| Updated:2011.12.09    Source:    Clicks:


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